The registration and score reporting services on this website will be temporarily unavailable on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time, for system maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience. Online-proctored exams scheduled during this time will not be affected; however, there may be a brief period where appointments may not be started. If you cannot begin your appointment, please wait a short period and then try again.
About the Tests
The tests in the ORELA program are criterion referenced and objective based. Criterion-referenced tests are designed to measure a candidate's knowledge and skills in relation to an established standard of performance (a criterion) rather than in relation to the performance of other candidates. The tests are designed to help identify those candidates who have the level of knowledge and skills required to perform satisfactorily as educators.
About Customized Tests
The following tests in the program were custom-developed for use in Oregon:
- Administrator
- Protecting Student and Civil Rights in the Educational Environment
The content of the tests was determined by input from Oregon educators, the TSPC, and applicable Oregon standards (e.g., the Oregon Content Standards and Benchmarks, Oregon Grade-Level Foundations, Oregon Grade-Level Standards, Common Curriculum Goals, Discrimination and the Oregon Educator, English Language Proficiency Standards). Test items that were developed to assess the content defined by the test framework were similarly reviewed and approved by the Oregon review committees.
About the NES® (National Evaluation Series™)
The NES is a nationally available teacher certification testing program. The NES teacher certification tests are comprehensive exams aligned to professionally accepted national learning standards, covering areas such as essential academic skills, reading instruction, and commonly taught elementary, middle, and secondary grade-level subjects.
The NES tests are 100% computer-based. A computer-based test design means access to tests by appointment, year roundexaminees do not have to wait for an assigned date before testing in a specific fieldand immediate score reporting for most results.
Oregon has adopted the NES tests for certification in virtually all content areas, and they are required for Oregon teacher licensure or endorsement in selected areas as of September 1, 2010.
Oregon now uses the NES tests in place of many earlier existing tests for licenses and endorsements. Additional details for candidates and teacher preparation program faculty are available on the TSPC website at .
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